Tic Tac Toe Game

counter = 0

row1 = ['', '', '']
row2 = ['', '', '']
row3 = ['', '', '']

def display(row1, row2, row3):

def user_choice():
	choice = input("Please enter a number (1-9): ")
	while not choice.isdigit() or (int(choice) not in range (1, 10)):
		if not choice.isdigit():
			print("Sorry, your choice is not valid")
			print("Your choice is not within the range of 1 - 9")
		choice = input("Please enter a number (1-9): ")
	return int(choice)

def getCurrentSymbol():
	global counter
	symbol_list = ['X', 'O']
	counter += 1
	return symbol_list[counter % 2]

def update_table(index):
	global row1, row2, row3
	if index in range (1, 4):
		if row1[index - 1] == '':
			row1[index - 1] = getCurrentSymbol()
			return True
			return False
	elif index in range (4, 7):
		if row2[index %3 - 1] == '':
			row2[index % 3 - 1] = getCurrentSymbol()
			return True
			return False
		if row3[index %3 - 1] == '':
			row3[index % 3 - 1] = getCurrentSymbol()
			return True
			return False

def check_winning():
	player_1_wins = False
	player_2_wins = False
	if (row1[0] == row1[1] and row1[1] == row1[2] and ("" not in row1)):
		if (row1[0] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row2[0] == row2[1] and row2[1] == row2[2] and ("" not in row2)):
		if (row2[0] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row2[0] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True	
	elif (row3[0] == row3[1] and row3[1] == row3[2] and ("" not in row3)):
		if (row3[0] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row3[0] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row1[0] == row2[0] and row2[0] == row3[0] and (row1[0] != "" and row2[0] != "" and row3[0] != "")):
		if (row3[0] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row3[0] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row1[1] == row2[1] and row2[1] == row3[1] and (row1[1] != "" and row2[1] != "" and row3[1] != "")):
		if (row1[1] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row1[1] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row1[2] == row2[2] and row2[2] == row3[2] and (row1[2] != "" and row2[2] != "" and row3[2] != "")):
		if (row1[2] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row1[2] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row1[2] == row2[1] and row2[1] == row3[0] and (row1[2] != "" and row2[1] != "" and row3[0] != "")):
		if (row1[2] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row1[2] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	elif (row1[0] == row2[1] and row2[1] == row3[2] and (row1[0] != "" and row2[1] != "" and row3[2] != "")):
		if (row1[0] == "X"):
			player_2_wins = True
		elif (row1[0] == "O"):
			player_1_wins = True
	if player_1_wins:
		return "player_1_wins"
	elif player_2_wins:
		return "player_2_wins"
		return "no one wins"

def start_game():
	while True:
		display(row1, row2, row3)
		while True:
			choice = user_choice()
			if update_table(choice):
				print("Wrong position to put your choice")

		result = check_winning()
		if result == "player_1_wins":
			display(row1, row2, row3)
			print("Player 1 wins!! Congrats")
		elif result == "player_2_wins":
			display(row1, row2, row3)
			print("Player 2 wins!! Congrats")


Pickle Module - Serialize and Deserialize

pickle and shelve.jpg

螢幕擷取畫面 2023-03-28 223524.jpg

Pickle - Binary concept

book binary.jpg


Use open() function with ‘rb’ (read binary) and ‘wb’ (write binary) modes

rb wb.jpg

Read binary:

import pickle

x = 10
y = [1, 2, 3, 4]

with open("pickle_file", "wb") as p_file:
		pickle.dump(x, p_file)
		pickle.dump(y, p_file)

# a pickle_file has created with the value above